The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is the State agency responsible for the conservation and management of Maryland’s natural resources, including fish, wildlife, forests, and much more. DNR’s Wildlife and Heritage Service is the agency within the Department that manages wildlife species in Maryland. The Wildlife and Heritage Service monitors wildlife populations, establishes hunting seasons, manages habitat on public Wildlife Management Areas, protects endangered species, and provides advice on wildlife issues.
Marylanders are encountering wild species more than ever before. Growing human populations sometimes modify or destroy important plant and animal habitat, threatening or endangering some species in the process. Other species are more able to live close to humans. While they may add interest to the local environment, they also can cause problems for their human neighbors. In order to manage and protect Maryland's wildlife populations and serve the public interest, the DNR sets rules and policies that protect wildlife resources and regulate human actions. Some nuisance wildlife control actions you want to take will require a permit or use of a professional nuisance wildlife control operator licensed by DNR; however, many do not.
DNR’s Wildlife and Heritage Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have teamed up to provide a toll-free phone number for Maryland residents to report nuisance, injured or sick wildlife situations. The toll-free hotline phone number is 1-877-463-6497. Permits for landowners to trap or kill problem wildlife are required and may be obtained, if applicable, by calling the toll-free hotline. Additional information regarding wildlife problems may be obtained at the following webpage: https://dnr.maryland.gov/wildlife/Pages/plants_wildlife/wildlifeproblems.aspx
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