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Nuisance Wildlife Control Operator #308
Megee Animal Damage Control
- 23 Years Experience
- Cornell University Accredited Licensed Nuisance Wildlife Control Officer
- Licensed and Insured Construction / Repair Services
Glenn Megee, owner / proprietor offers a wide variety of services including lethal and nonlethal means of capture. Services included but not limited to snake prevention, bats, raccoons, squirrels, opossum, ground hog as well as feral animals. Repair services and prevention of animal entry are also offered. Mr. Megee has been serving the Sussex, Worcester and Wicomico County Area for 23+ years and looks forward to serving you as well.
- Cornell University Accredited Licensed Nuisance Wildlife Control Officer
- Licensed and Insured Construction / Repair Services
Glenn Megee, owner / proprietor offers a wide variety of services including lethal and nonlethal means of capture. Services included but not limited to snake prevention, bats, raccoons, squirrels, opossum, ground hog as well as feral animals. Repair services and prevention of animal entry are also offered. Mr. Megee has been serving the Sussex, Worcester and Wicomico County Area for 23+ years and looks forward to serving you as well.
Service Area
30 miles radius Sussex County Delaware, Worcester & Wicomico County Maryland
Species you handle
Tree squirrel
Services offered
Lethal removal
Non-lethal removal
State(s) where permitted